Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Its Our Anniversary

We're coming up to the 15th Anniversary of Coversure in the Midlands!!

What Is Fleet Insurance?

What is Fleet Insurance?

Any motor vehicle that is used or left on a public highway in the UK is legally obliged to have adequate insurance cover. Motor Fleet Insurance is a policy that will cover several specified vehicles of any type.

Why would Fleet Vehicle Insurance be right for me?

Even if you have only one or two vehicles there are policies available that can combine the Insurance on both vehicles and try to save money but also cover more drivers.
If you are looking at expanding your transportation numbers. Fleet vehicle insurance can be a good option for 3 or more vehicles as renewal date will be the same, only one payment to make all making your administration easier and possibly making the cost more affordable.

What do I need to get a competitive fleet insurance quote?

If you already have a fleet insurance policy and it is due for renewal then you should have been furnished with your current fleet insurance experience and your current vehicle schedule list. You should be provided this from your current fleet insurance broker or fleet insurance company. This is a must in order for an alternative fleet insurance quote to be obtained.

For New Ventures all we ask is if you have currently got the vehicles Insured under a private or business policy that you are aware of how many years no claims bonus you currently have as we may require written proof of this. We can however start Fleet policies without no claims bonus if needed but this is subject to claims information clarification.

Is is possible insure a car fleet insurance and van fleet insurance on the same policy?

One of the major benefits of a motor fleet insurance policy is that different types of vehicles can be placed on the same policy which can also include plant and machinery and certain parts of agricultural machines.. We have facilities for all types of vehicles to include Car Fleet Insurance, Van Fleet Insurance, Lorry Fleet Insurance, Taxi Fleet Insurance, Haulage Fleet Insurance, Tipper Fleet Insurance, Courier Fleet Insurance, Vehicle Transporters and many many more.

Who can have a Fleet Insurance Policy?

Well, the answer to the question is anyone can. However the vast majority of the fleet insurance policies are held by businesses. There are no restrictions on the type of businesses that can obtain motor fleet insurance as we have access to a wide selection of insurers and products.
We are able to provide quotes for family fleet insurance. This is predominantly designed for families who have at least 3 vehicles to insure and can be mixture of cars, vans, motorcycles, horseboxes, motor homes etc.

What types of cover can I get for my fleet insurance quote?

UK Motor fleet insurance follows the same suit as all motor policies and includes:

* Comprehensive Fleet Insurance
* Third Party Fire and Theft Fleet Insurance
* Third Party Only Fleet Insurance

Throw in that Theft Only Laid up cover is also an option pending a sale.

Who can drive on my motor fleet insurance?

We briefly mentioned above that all fleet insurance can be tailored around the needs of the policyholder and so cover can be arranged for ‘Any Licensed Driver’ if so wished but also you can name drivers in order to bring your motor premium down.

Policyholders with fleet insurance are typically businesses. As such they should ensure adequate cover for their business and premises. Coversure have a dedicated Commercial Insurance team who are able to provide quotations for all types of enquiry ranging from a Public Liability policy to Combined Insurance to include cover for work away. Please contact us or visit our website at

Replacement Vehicle

If your vehicle is stolen or has repairable damage from an incident and the insurance company is unable to provide a vehicle or it is unsuitable for your needs then we think this Replacement Vehicle Policy is a must.
MYTH: Every customer who has their vehicle stolen will be provided a replacement vehicle by their insurance company.
FACT: It is remarkable that only a small number of insurance companies offer any kind of solution, leaving the vast majority of the 30 million UK motorists exposed.
MYTH: But surely I will get a courtesy vehicle?
FACT: No courtesy vehicle will be provided whilst your car remains un-recovered (typically 10 – 14 days) and NOT when your vehicle is written off.
So, if your insurer fails to provide you with a vehicle we will:
  • Arrange for vehicle to be referred to nearest alternative approved repairer with courtesy vehicle availabl,e or …
  • Arrange the supply of a replacement vehicle through its national rental network.
Significant exclusions or limitations:
– Any vehicle hire costs incurred before we have accepted a claim.
– We will only pay vehicle hire costs up to the limit specified in the Certificate of Insurance. (Insured Incident)

Courier Van Insurance information

* Some companies may give you a cheap quote but NOT have the correct useage.
Just because you have a van does not mean you need ‘standard cover’ (i.e. social domestic and pleasure) NOT Business Use
Make sure you have the correct cover such as carriage of own goods, hire and reward, courier use.
For more information on Useage – please visit out Van Insurance Advice and Things to Watch Out For pages

We have close ties with some of the UK’s major courier van insurance companies enabling us to provide you with a unique range of product benefits.
Vehicle Types:
We cater for all sorts of commercial vehicles such as transit vans, large 7.5 tonne vehicles as well articulated lorries, pick ups, and tippers.
Uninsured Loss Recovery:
Our policies all include uninsured loss recovery cover, helping you to reclaim loss of earnings, excesses and out of pocket expenses should you be involved in any non-fault claim.
– click here for van insurance quote
– see our Advice on Van Insurance
Payment Options:
Cash, Cheques, All major credit cards and Various instalment plans available.

Goods In Transit Insurance

Our Goods in Transit Insurance is All Risks Cover and insurers couriers, hauliers and all types of manner delivery drivers (e.g. hazardous goods, car transporters, same day delivery drivers).
This means it covers theft, loss and damage caused by accidents during transit and also includes theft attractive goods. Apart from the excess (standard to every insurance policy) All Risks means that as a courier, you can have peace of mind that the whatever is being delivered is covered up to your requested policy limits.
We do not offer “weight restricted policies”, “dual manned insurance” or have any other hidden clauses, just straight forward and simple courier insurance. This means you can get on with job at hand and not have to worry about the “admin” side of your business.
Along with self employed owner drivers, we also insurer hundreds of drivers who work with major couriers companies and our documents can be emailed direct to your or your depot straight away.
As well as All Risks Goods in Transit cover in the UK we can also easily cover any conditions your contract requires such as RHA and BIFA. Also, if you are a courier who works in Europe, we can extend cover to CMR you – a must if you’re are a European courier driver.
To obtain a courier goods in transit insurance quote, please complete the below form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Also, remember we also offer Courier Liability insurance and Courier Van insurance as well.
PLEASE DO NOT DO ANYTHING until you have spoken to us! Our courier and remover insurance rates are the cheapest and our cover more extensive.

Goods In Transit Insurance (About us)

Goods in Transit Insurance are UK specialists in providing cover for all aspects of courier insurance, goods in transit insurance, van insurance, liability insurance, removals insurance and freight forwarding insurance. We also provide insurance for hazardous goods.
Goods in Transit Direct is a trading site of Coversure Midlands Ltd (who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority).  Coversure Insurance Services as a whole, has a turnover in excess of 85 million (GBP) with over 100 branches across the country. We are all individually owned and here at Coversure Midlands Ltd, we have been focused on courier insurance, haulage insurance removals insurance for nearly 10 years.
Due to us concentrating on insurance for couriers, hauliers and furniture removers (such as goods in transit as well as van insurance and liability insurance), we have access to many of the UK’s leading commercial insurance providers and can put you into touch with the company who has the most competitive quote for your business needs.
For more information on Coversure Midlands Ltd t/a Coversure Insurance Services (Bromsgrove), please click here.
One of the reasons for our continued success is, we think, that we are able to offer a personal ‘local’ service to each of our clients (wherever they are in the country) whilst offering the specialist schemes and discounts that Coversure, as a large national company, have secured. Due to this we have developed superb relationships with all the courier insurance companies and underwriters which means we can offer fantastic rates.

When to use an insurance broker

Advantages of using an insurance broker

Did You Know?

“There are more than 2,000 registered insurance brokerages in the UK”
Source: British Insurance Brokers’ Association
Here are a few reasons why it might be better to go to a broker for your insurance:
  • Getting expert advice does not cost you more. Like comparison sites, they get paid commission by the insurance provider for selling their products so you don’t pay them a fee for shopping around to get you a good deal. Unlike comparison sites they have specialist expertise and can give you advice on the products that best suit your needs.
  • Know your options. Insurers won’t always offer you every type of cover when you go directly to them. Brokers can help point out the types of cover available for the insurers they cover and help you work out what you need.
  • Find the right product for you. A broker will ask you about your personal circumstances to find you the right policy. They’ll also be able to tell you if you’re already covered by your existing insurance policies so you don’t overlap, and they will often get you a good deal by comparing prices and product features. They can also be more flexible on price than comparison sites.
  • Find a specialist provider. On comparison sites you might not find cover for things – like income protection or critical illness – that need to be tailored to suit your needs. You also won’t find special or bespoke cover on there, so if you want to insure something unique like a high-value antique or a collection, a broker will know where to go.
  • Your claims are taken care of. If you need to make a claim, your broker may speak to loss adjustors and claims departments and do as much as possible for you so you don’t have the hassle and worry.

Van Insurance Advice

Legal stuff
This is just an introduction to van insurance and is not intended to be representative of the covers or restrictions offered by any particular insurance or that all insurance provide the protection described. You can get a recommendation for a particular insurance to suit your own circumstances by talking to the skilled staff at Goods in Transit Direct on freephone 0800 308 1093.
Why buy Van Insurance?
It is the law in this country that every motor vehicle must be insured to a minimum standard defined by the Road Traffic Act of 1988. This says that you must have insurance to cover you at least for injuries that you might cause to other people and damage to their property. Insurance companies treat vans with a gross vehicle weight of less than about 3.5 tons as small commercial vehicles. Heavier vehicles than this are insured as trucks, and may have specific licensing requirements. For instance the need for drivers to be properly qualified and hold a large goods vehicles licence, and for the operator to have a haulage operator’s licence.
What is covered?
Most “third party” insurances cover you for little more than the legal requirements. “Third party fire and theft” insurances will also cover you for damage caused to your vehicle during a theft or an attempted theft, or if your vehicle is involved in a fire. If your vehicle is not recovered following a theft, or is a total loss in a fire, the insurance company will pay you the value of your vehicle at the time of the incident. If you have a valuable vehicle, you may want to purchase “comprehensive” insurance. This also covers damage to your own vehicle in an accident, even if the accident is your fault, and malicious damage.
What is not covered?
“Third party” type insurances do not cover you for damage to your own vehicle or property. “Comprehensive” policies usually have an “excess”. This is an amount of money that you are responsible for if you make a claim. Suppose you make a claim for £1000 of damage. If you have an excess of £250, you will be required to pay for the first £250 of the claim and the insurer will pay the rest. There will also be restrictions on what you can use your vehicle for and who may drive it. For instance, the insurance may only cover the vehicle whilst being driven by certain named drivers. Commercial vehicles need to be insured for the particular type of activity that they are being used for.
There are three common types:
“Carriage of own goods” insurance is appropriate for trades people such as builders, plumbers, electricians, window cleaners and so on where the van’s contents belong to the owner and are being used for the work being carried out. The van’s contents will be tools and materials typically.
Haulage insurance is for people using their vans typically for a single drop load carried over a long distance. You will be carrying the goods on behalf of a third party who will be paying you specifically for this. Your insurance certificate will include a phrase saying that you are allowed to use the vehicle “for business purposes including the carriage of goods for hire or reward”. A couple of drops would be acceptable, but having several drops in a small area is regarded by insurance companies as a higher risk which will require courier insurance.
Courier insurance is similar to haulage, in that you are carrying other people’s goods for hire or reward, but it is expected that you will be using your van in a small area in a town or city to make many drops. You might be carrying parcels to local businesses or homes for instance.
The goods and tools being carried are typically not covered by the insurance. You need to take out a “goods in transit” insurance separately to cover the goods. Tradesmen can sometimes get tools cover as an optional extra on their public liability insurance. If you allow your vehicle to be driven by someone else, or used for some other purpose, it will not be insured and in fact it will be being driven illegally.
Correct Useage:
When obtaining quotes for your commercial vehicle insurance make sure that you have the correct useage. Your policy will need to state courier useage, hire and reward and/or haulage.
Just because you have a van doesn't mean you need basic van insurance. Without the correct useage on the policy, you will not be insured correctly and any claim may be classed as void.
The police now pull over van drivers to check that they are insured correctly under the useage. If you are a courier and don’t have the correct useage cover, you may end up with an IN10 (i.e. driving without the correct insurance PLUS six points on your licence)
What to watch out for?
Sometimes broken windscreens are not covered. It is normal now for your vehicle to not be covered for theft if you leave your keys in the vehicle.

Why do you need insurance?

Insurance is a way of managing risks. When you buy insurance, you transfer the cost of a potential loss to the insurance company in exchange for a fee, known as the premium. Insurance companies invest the funds securely, so it can grow, and pay out when there’s a claim.
Insurance helps you:
  • Own a home, because mortgage lenders need to know your home is protected
  • Drive vehicles, because few people could afford the repairs, health care costs and legal expenses associated with collisions and injuries without coverage
  • Maintain your current standard of living if you become disabled or have a critical illness
  • Cover health care costs like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care and other health-related items
  • Provide for your family in the event of a death
  • Run a small business or family farm by managing the risks of ownership
  • Take holidays without worrying about flight cancellations or other potential issues

What is Liability Cover?

Subjects covered in this “What is Liability Insurance” guide:
* Introduction
* How liability insurance works
* Employers’ liability insurance
* Public liability insurance
* Professional indemnity insurance
* Directors’ and officers’ liability
Liability insurance
As a business owner or employer, you have a legal responsibility towards your employees, customers and the public. You could be held legally liable and risk being sued if an employee or a member of the public is injured as a result of your negligence or breach of duty.
Liability insurance is designed to pay any compensation and legal costs that occur if an employer is found to be at fault. If you employ anyone it is most likely that you will need to have employers’ liability insurance. This guide explains what cover each type of liability insurance offers and how liability insurance is sold and priced.
How liability insurance works
The cost of insurance – known as the premium – is typically worked out using a book rating. A book rating is calculated using a base rate, which includes the insurer’s costs and reflects their appetite for your particular type of business – if they want your type of business the rate will be less than if they don’t.
The premium is also calculated on the insurer’s estimate of the level of risk attached to a particular business or industry area. The premium will be affected by factors such as your claims history, the size of the perceived risk and your approach to risk management. The safer your working environment and the fewer claims you have made, the cheaper your premium should be.
Premiums are also calculated on the records of other similar businesses by lumping good and bad together – small businesses with a good record may be adversely affected by this. Your own safety record and approach to risk management can minimise the effect of this.
Employers’ liability insurance
Employers’ liability (EL) cover enables businesses to meet the costs of compensation and legal fees for employees who are injured or made ill at work through the fault of the employer. Employees injured due to an employer’s negligence can seek compensation even if the business goes into liquidation or receivership.
By law, an employer must have EL insurance and be insured for at least £5 million. Most insurers automatically provide cover of at least £10 million. EL insurance must cover all your employees in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
If your business is not a limited company, and you are the only employee or you only employ close family members, you do not need compulsory employers’ liability insurance. Since February 2005, limited companies with only one employee, where that employee also owns 50 per cent or more of the issued share capital in the company, have also been exempt from compulsory EL insurance.
The HSE is responsible for enforcing the law on EL insurance. You can be fined up to £2,500 for each day that you do not have appropriate insurance.
Generally, someone is defined as your employee if:
· you deduct National Insurance contributions and income tax from the salary you pay them
· you control when, where and how they work
· they cannot employ a substitute when they are unable to work
When you take out a policy you will receive a certificate of employers’ liability insurance. You must display a copy of this where employees can easily read it and keep copies for at least 40 years or risk a fine of up to £1,000. You need to make these certificates available to health and safety inspectors on request.
Public liability insurance
If members of the public or customers come to your premises or you go to theirs, you should think about taking out public liability insurance.
What the insurance covers
This type of insurance covers any awards of damages given to a member of the public because of an injury or damage to their property caused by you or your business. It also covers any related legal fees, costs and expenses.
Premiums depend on the type of business you run, your turnover and the number of employees you have.
Talk to a professional
There are many conditions, exclusions and warranties that can be applied to public liability policies. It is therefore important that you discuss with your insurance adviser any that are applicable to your policy.
If you work from home, and customers or members of the public visit you there, you may also want to think about taking out public liability insurance.
Businesses which must take out the insurance
Some businesses, e.g. horse riding establishments, are to have public liability cover. You will also find that many of your customers or potential customers require proof of adequate insurance before they will allow you to work for them.
Professional indemnity insurance
If you are in the business of selling your knowledge or skills, you may want to consider taking out professional indemnity insurance.
What you will be covered for
This protects your business against compensation sought by a client if you have made mistakes or are found to have been negligent. Professional indemnity insurance will also cover any legal costs.
Most professionals carry professional indemnity cover. If you are a lawyer, accountant or financial adviser, then you must have professional indemnity insurance. Professionals such as architects, consultants and designers often opt for such cover as well.
Ensure you are properly covered
One important aspect to bear in mind when considering professional indemnity insurance is that, because there can often be a long delay between an event and a subsequent claim, you need to be covered both at the time of the event and when the claim is made.
This means that if you plan to cancel your policy when you close your business or retire you may need to arrange “run off” cover for a period of time afterwards.
Also, if you plan to change insurers, you will either need to arrange run off cover or get agreement from your new insurer to accept new claims for prior incidents.
Keep everything well documented
One way to minimise such claims is to make sure projects are well documented. Ensure that you set out specific responsibilities in your contracts with clients beforehand and deal with complaints promptly.
As this is a specialist area of insurance you should take advice from a suitably experienced insurance broker.
Directors’ and officers’ liability
Directors and officers of companies and other organisations have various duties, responsibilities and powers in connection with their position. In most cases these are set out in a job description or terms of reference. As a result they can be held responsible for a range of issues including:
· health and safety
· data protection
· maintaining satisfactory accounts
· fraud
· negligence
If your company’s directors or officers are found to have inadvertently acted outside their terms of reference and this gives rise to a claim, then any compensation and legal fees will be covered by directors’ and officers’ liability insurance. If the act was deliberate, then it may not be covered by the policy.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Christmas is approaching....

Christmas is fast approaching.. Make sure you're covered by taking out one of our policies today.
0121 448 6914

Clocks Go Back: Burglars Spring Forward

10 ways to keep your home safe when the clocks go back

On Sunday 25th October everyone in the UK will turn their clocks back by just 1 hour. For some this means lighter mornings, for drivers it means more dangerous road conditions as we approach winter, and for children it means getting home after school before it gets dark. For burglars, however, the clocks going back means Christmas has come early. According to a recent survey the numbers of burglaries rockets in the five months following the clocks going back as opportunistic burglars seize the cover of early darkness to break into our homes.
To help you protect your home from this menace, here are Coversure Insurance’s top 10 ways to keep yourself home and valuables safe when the clocks go back:

1. Set Timers

Set timers
There is no easier way to tell if a house is empty than there being no signs of life during the early evening. By setting timers on your plug-in lamps, TV or radio, you can easily make it look like you’re at home – even if you’re not.

2. Hide your valuables

Hide your valuables
Burglars are often opportunists and nothing is more likely to prompt a break-in than seeing a nice shiny valuable left unguarded. So before you go out make sure valuables that your valuables are put away and are out of sight. This includes things that you would otherwise have about your person – such as your tablet, mobile phone or your car keys.

3. Fit and Set your Burglar Alarm

Fit and set your burglar alarm
Having an alarm and, more importantly, setting it when you go out is an important factor in keeping your home safe. Burglar alarms are inexpensive these days, with Wi-Fi kits available from around £100, and having one fitted can make a big difference to your home insurance premiums. If nothing else, seeing an alarm box on your wall is likely to deter would-be thieves from gaining entry to your property.

4. Lock Up

Lock up
It (should!) go without saying that you should make sure you lock your windows and doors before you go out, but around 33 percent of intruders enter a home through the front door so it’s always wise to lock your door when you’re not around.

5. Talk to the Police

Talk to the police
Local police forces are often happy to talk to homeowners and advise them on home security measures. Some forces may be willing to visit your property and provide you with a home security inspection. To find out more call 101 to talk to your local force.

6. Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch
It’s a good idea to sign up to your local neighbourhood watch scheme if you have one. This means that your neighbours can help keep an eye on each other’s property and report anything suspicions. Coversure Top Tip: Displaying a ‘Neighbourhood Watch Scheme’ sticker in your window could make thieves think twice about targeting your property. Studies have shown a reduction in crime of up to 16% in areas with an active neighbourhood watch in place.

7. Improve your boundaries

Improve your Boundaries
Are your fences and hedges secure? Are there any gaps that a burglar could squeeze through undetected? It’s a good idea to keep your hedges trimmed regularly as they can sometimes provide cover and easy access for burglars.

8. Install security lights

Install security lights
A security light that detects movement and turns on when it does is often a really good way of deterring burglars. It’ll both light them up and alert you to their movement around your property.

9. Don’t post your location on social media

Don't post your location on social media
How better to see who’s not at home than to check social media? If you’ve ‘Checked-in’ at your local coffee shop with a few of your friends then the burglars know exactly where you are and can easily target your home.

10. Have comprehensive cover in place

Have comprehensive cover in place
We all hope the worst won’t happen but in case it does, make sure you have comprehensive home insurance in place. It won’t turn back time, and it certainly won’t lock your doors for you, but it will help to make sure that you don’t lose out financially should the worst come to the worst.
If you’d like to discuss your home or car insurance needs then contact yourlocal Coversure office today.

Refer A Friend

Here at Coversure Bromsgrove we regard the personal and friendly service we give to our customers as of paramount importance.
If you have received a good service from us then pass this onto your friends and family and we’ll give you £25 for each referral.
The more referrals you give us then the more money we can send you!
Our Refer A Friend scheme is easy to do:
– Contact Us with the details of your friend/family member and we’ll call them for a quote.
– Your friend/family member can call us direct and give us your details so we know the referral has come from you (please note we may check with you just to make sure this is the case).
– If they take out an insurance policy then we’ll pay you £25 once they've made their first payment.


If you have your own business, be it a large company with many employees or if you’re a sole trader, you’ll understand the need to insure and protect your business against problems and incidents that might happen to your customers or your employees. For this reason, liability insurance should be a top priority.
Liability insurance is needed for ALL business types so whether you’re a roofer and scaffolder or a children’s party entertainer then you’ll need liability insurance. We have some fantastic rates for liability insurance policies so get in touch today to start saving money!

Types of Liability Insurance:

Goods In Transit

Goods in Transit Insurance covers goods against loss or damage while in your vehicle or when sent by a third party carrier so if you’re a self-employed courier it’s vital to make sure the goods you carry are covered. The sum insured may be a limit for each package, each vehicle or any one consignment.
Our goods in transit insurance cover is 100% ALL RISKS COVER: Theft whilst in transit, loss whilst in transit, damage caused by accidents during transit and damage caused during transit. If you need courier insurance contact us immediately as we’re confident we have the best prices around!

Our Courier & Goods in Transit Insurance benefits include:

  • 100% All Risks cover
  • All types of goods including hazardous
  • Couriers & Haulage contractors
  • Great rates for Furniture Removers Insurance
  • Freight Insurance & Marine Cargo Insurance specialists covered
  • UK & European CMR Conditions
  • RHA Conditions
  • Various payment methods available
Getting a Goods in Transit & Courier insurance quote is quick and easy so fill out the below we’ll get straight back to you.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Meet the team!

Richard & Steve took over the business in July 2005, and decided that a dramatic refocus was needed for it’s survival. Since that time the branch has shown consistent growth, month on month, year on year and is now a multiple award winning branch which is a testament not only to the dedication of the owners but to the staff that work here as well.

Our Team

Steve Duffy
Steve DuffyOwner
Steve has had 20 years experience in the finance and insurance industry in areas such as marketing (both online and offline), analysis and project management. He met Richard whilst working in a large insurance brokerage in the West Midlands before becoming a Coversure Franchisee in July 2005.
Richard Lunt
Richard LuntOwner
Richard has been in the insurance industry for 20 years. He started his career working in a small independent brokerage and since then has worked at some of the UK’s largest brokers – specialising in both personal and commercial lines. Richard has been a Coversure Franchisee since July 2005.
Mark Jones
Mark JonesSales & Renewals Manager
Starting out as a trainee in May 2006, Mark has gone from strength to strength in all aspects of his insurance acumen. In recognition of his knowledge of insurance, sales and renewals, Mark won the overall Coversure Services Young Broker of the Year Award, three years in a row from 2010, 2011 and 2012-2013.
Tony Donnelly
Tony DonnellyBusiness Development manager
Having known Tony for many years, we’ve finally got him to come on board as Business Development Manager to help develop new clients and business partnerships. Tony has been in insurance for 20 years and prior to joining us he was an Area Manager for Swinton’s so has the background, knowledge and experience that will benefit us immensely.
Joe Brown
Joe BrownSales / Renewals Executive
Joe joined us from another brokerage in Oct 2013 and has gathered many years worth of insurance experience which has made him a great and effective salesman. Joe is easily able to communicate to customers our great premiums and highest cover.
Scott Queen
Scott QueenSales / Renewals Executive
Having worked with him before and known him for many years, Rich and Steve finally persuaded Scott to come on board in at the end of 2011. Knowing his background in motor trade and commercial insurance and as well as having an excellent track record in sales, Scott benefits us greatly.
Nikki Pell
Nikki PellAdjustments & HR Manager
Nikki joined us in Dec 2012 from a previous broker having worked in the industry for 4 years, gathering knowledge in all areas from renewals to customer services. Nikki will be responsible for managing any changes that our customers need to make on their policies as well as heading up the company’s HR processes.
Abbey Roberts
Abbey RobertsAdjustments & Customer Services
Another apprentice that has been a fantastic find, Abbey has previously worked in Customer Services but wanted a fresh challenge that would further her career. She works with Nikki to help customers with any of their policy changes as well as Administration service all our clients.
Laura Crowley
Laura CrowleyCustomer Services
Having worked in insurance some years ago, Laura joined us in Sept 2013 looking for a new challenge and to get back in the industry. Responsible for looking after customer services from administration and payments to queries from customers and insurers, Laura is making her mark and proving to be a valuable asset.
Pauline Jones
Pauline JonesCustomer Services Manager
Pauline came to us in September 2010 from a background spanning over 35 years in the insurance industry. As well dealing with the many queries the office gets, Pauline also manages the large volume of paperwork and administration that our branch produces to make sure all our client records and kept up to date and accurate.
Michelle Evans
Michelle EvansCustomer Finance Payments
Michelle joined us in October 2010 from an accounting background within the insurance industry. Michelle also looks after our existing customers with any queries they may have on their policy, as well as administering customer documentation. Her primary role however is to manage the finance process for clients who want to pay their policies by direct debit.
Kai Ratnaraja
Kai RatnarajaCustomer Services
Kai started with us as an apprentice in July 2014 and is now a full time employee who has become an invaluable asset to our customer service and administration department.
Natalie Stanton
Natalie StantonCustomer Services
Natalie’s background covers a wide variety of roles all of which are perfectly suited to our demanding customer needs and also what our company requires to keeping moving forward. From her methodical working, attention to detail and first class organisation skills means Natalie is making a real impact in our busy department.
Alex Clews
Alex ClewsCustomer Services
Our most recent addition, Alex joined us as an apprentice in October 2015 to help with the growth of the business and to become a central point to manage the writing away of policies. As if that isn’t enough she has also taken on the role of managing our social media.